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New Developers Course Released >>>> Find out More

Decision-making is critical to safety and asset performance.

Enlighted renewable energy companies and their leaders acknowledge that safety cannot be separated from operational decision-making.
ARMSA enables you to develop a learning organisation that makes better decisions, whilst providing a unique platform on which a community of likeminded innovators can exchange ideas and opportunities to create profitable growth.

In our research, 100% of renewable energy professionals recognise that effective organisational learning and smart decision-making reduces project costs by up to 30% and production curtailment by up to 20%.

Conventional training sees safety as a cost. We regard it as a driver of business performance.

The transformational ARMSA approach is proven to enhance your competitive position, as individuals, as a team, and as an organisation.

The advantages are clear:

increased organisational predictability

improved plant availability

enhanced inter-departmental collaboration

smarter decision-making and predictive organisational analytics

customised digital learning available on demand

Whatever your role, your priority is to drive performance through safety

ARMSA’s approach has shown that everyone can benefit from applied learning, more collaborative working, and interacting with likeminded innovators.

And knowing HOW to integrate this into your organisational learning culture and CPD journey leads to better career opportunities and better performance.

ARMSA will never compromise in applying these values or philosophy. Are you with us?


Project or Construction Managers

Support and resources to help project managers deliver the best possible results safely, on-time, on-budget.


O&M Managers

Maximise performance and ensure compliance needs are met in today’s cost concious energy production business.


Procurement or Work Package Managers

Develop the skills you need to leverage new market conditions and maximise supply chain performance in power generation.


Asset Managers

Seize new opportunities, manage risk and achieve coherence amongst asset owners, operators and the supply chain.


Lead Technicians

Make the right decisions for everyone in the workplace by managing your plant, people and work environment in a way that achieves safe, efficient and effective outcomes.


As a globally recognised and trusted leader in the wind power L&D market, our experience of working with national renewables associations to deliver their localised upskilling policies has helped to standardise the sector’s approach to safety critical decision making..

Now, our digital platform is raising the bar even higher, by using work-accredited performance support to create a safer, more productive and greener working environment.

Join our growing community of innovators

Align yourself with cutting-edge thought leadership in the onshore and offshore renewables market

Enhance your reputation through facilitating smarter decision-making and deeper insights

Deliver transformative learning and IOSH/CPD (UK) accreditation for your members

Register your interest

    ARMSA Academy

    ARMSA Academy has been working in partnership with many of the world’s major power utilities, investment portfolios and OEMs to deliver safer, more sustainable and more profitable power for over 20 years.

    We’ve already trained over 1,200 people on our IOSH-approved Managing Safely for Wind Power programme across 40 countries, underpinned by our dedication to:

    an injury-free world of work, one where businesses deliver sustained benefit for their shareholders, employees, supply chains and society as a whole

    building organisations where competent managers and leaders consider the consequences of their decisions before they act

    enabling workers access relevant knowledge at a touch of a button, on demand

    helping to grow economies which recognise that safety, like profitability, is an outcome of what organisations and people do

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