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Our consultants have been helping the wider power sector improve effectiveness, efficiency and safety since 1996.

Borne from a market need to deliver more effective learning solutions to improve performance through better-informed individuals and a more holistic application of intelligence.
We have a passionate belief that things can be done in a better way, and we know that this way serves the best interests of business leaders, employees, stakeholders, communities and the wider environment. That’s why we express our vision thus:

We believe in an injury free world of work, one where businesses deliver sustained benefit for their shareholders, employees, supply chains and society as a whole.

We build organisations where competent managers and leaders consider the consequences of their decisions before they act.

We enable workers access relevant knowledge at a touch of a button, on demand.

We help grow economies which recognise that safety, like profitability, is an outcome of what organisations and people do, and not those that treat safety as a cost of doing business.

If you recognise that safety is no longer a tick-box exercise, and that safety and better decision-making are inextricably interwoven, we want to work with you to deliver competitive advantage and added value.

say ARMSA improves their performance
say ARMSA performance support is relevant
say it is relevant to their sector

Everything we do is underpinned by thorough research, and the insights we gain from thought leaders within the industry shape the content and delivery of our learning solutions.

We stand on the shoulders of giants. And in turn, we now provide wind power professionals with the innovation, insights, knowledge and skills they need to elevate themselves.

In the most recent of our studies, conducted amongst industry professionals, their views reinforced our belief that by instilling a mindset of individual accountability, cross-functional integrity, performance optimisation and applied human intelligence, we can all operate more efficiently, more safely and more profitably.

It’s an ongoing process, but through our collaborations with individuals, companies and professional organisations, we are constantly evolving innovative L&D solutions to ensure that all our partners benefit from inherent safety and enhanced performance.

Meet the team


We want to work with you if:

… you believe – as we do – that safety is a direct consequence of good decision-making, and that both those imperatives need to be embedded in individual and collective thinking at a strategic, as well as day-to-day level

… you want to be seen to be a leader, an innovator, a pioneer

… you want to align yourself with the new best practices, and with the most enlighted thinkers and practitioners in the wind power market.

To take the first step, just tell us who and where you are: