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14.5 hours

Offshore Wind Learning

ARMSA Academy is delighted to partner with Offshore Wind Learning to attract 1 million people into offshore wind.

This program is perfect for newcomers to the industry who want to improve their overall understanding of this rapidly growing sector.


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Is this course for you?

This programme is suitable for:

  • University students and recent graduates thinking about pursuing a career in offshore wind
  • New recruits to the offshore wind sector
  • Experienced energy professionals looking to switch sectors / transition roles
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about offshore wind and its importance

What will you learn?

  • Components of an offshore wind farm and how they fit together
  • The environment and how it interacts with an offshore wind
  • How engineering underpins the design of an offshore wind farm
  • What it means to work in the offshore wind industry
  • Laws, policies and regulations needed for offshore wind market to grow
  • The offshore wind supply chain
  • The commercial, procurement and financial functions supporting the offshore wind industry
  • The operation of an offshore wind farm

What is included?

  • 8 modules
  • 29 lessons
  • Module tests and examination
  • Certificates of progress and completion

How good is this course?

  • Interactive sessions
  • Videos and audio
  • 30 minutes per lesson
  • Graphs and figures
  • Quizzes
  • Interactive visuals
OWL 1 million jobs

Why enrol on this course?

This interactive and accessible 14.5-hour self-paced online course provides a comprehensive overview of the offshore wind industry, ideal for anyone looking to scale-up their offshore wind knowledge.

The offshore wind industry is growing rapidly – estimates predict that around 1 million people will need to join the sector in the next decade to help deliver the renewable electricity generation capacity that the world needs to achieve net zero.

This means tripling the amount of people working in the industry over the next five years. To help fill this skills and knowledge gap and attract more people to this booming industry, a team of leading offshore wind experts with a combined 45 years of experience have come together to develop a comprehensive foundational online learning course on offshore wind.

ARMSA Academy is proud to support this course as one of Offshore Wind Learning partners and help accelerate the growth of a skilled offshore wind workforce.

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Offshore Wind Learning approach

Offshore Wind Learning is made up of 29 lessons arranged in 8 modules, which cover the full range of topics that are foundational to understanding the offshore wind industry.

Offshore Wind Learning approach

Offshore Wind Learning course details

Learning aims
  • Terminology and the components of an offshore wind farm and how they fit together
  • History of offshore wind and why it is growing so quickly, as well as some technical aspects of the wind and energy generation
  • How the environment interacts with an offshore wind farm
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • How engineering underpins the design of an offshore wind farm, looking in detail at the technological solutions developed to date, cost engineering, innovation and overall system design.
  • Newly emerging floating wind sector, introducing the scale of the opportunity and the challenges involved
  • What it means to work in the offshore wind industry: the importance of health and safety and the jobs and career paths available
  • Enablers of the offshore wind industry: laws, policies and regulations needed for a market to grow and how markets are created and managed globally
  • Offshore wind supply chain
  • Commercial, procurement and financial functions that are the fundamental building blocks supporting the offshore wind industry
  • Concept of levelised cost of energy for offshore wind and talk about risk and risk management
  • Operational management of an offshore wind farm over its 25-year lifecycle
  • What happens at the end of a project’s life, including current progress on recycling
Programme content

This interactive and accessible 8.5-hour self-paced online course provides a comprehensive overview of the offshore wind industry, ideal for anyone looking to scale-up their offshore wind knowledge. It includes the following modules:

  1. Fundamentals
  2. Development
  3. Project Design and Engineering
  4. Human Resources
  5. Markets and Frameworks
  6. Project Services
  7. Supply Chain and Construction
  8. Operations and End of Life
Download the course brochure

Please download the course brochure for more details: OWL – course curriculum and learning outcomes – May 2024

About the Facilitator

OWL team
Alastair Dutton, Chris Lloyd and Alyssa Pek
Offshore Wind Learning was developed by three industry experts, who together have over 45 years of offshore wind experience across the private and public sector.

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